So let’s sing a song about us.
Let’s sing a song about us.
They’ve sung about a bird
They’ve sung about a bee
But never sung a single note to you and me
Let me sing with you.
All that we need is a chorus,
So let’s start kicking up a fuss
Please keep guiding me, be there for me.
We’ll never, never, never get the chance again,
So let’s sing a song about us!
I so hate hospitals, please keep singing forever.
Notes from the Word Hoard
The way the exercise works is explained here.
Across the generations
Keep singing forever
The years become generations
Am I me?
Keep singing forever * Selected
A short post inspired by a great friend singing for his daughter. Nothing lasts forever, but some things should.
charming picture – I’d have cropped in close to bring out the intimacy of the moment, but I’m sure not everyone will agree!