I am so enjoying learning about photography and writing – for my own benefit I have decided to create a review for some months where I will post my favourite images and add a little perspective.
So this starts at the end of 2012 with a review for December – the month of the Thessaloniki trip – which is here.
In January 2013 – the start of a very important year for me – the focus shifted slightly back towards writing and this is reviewed here.
February saw me get inspired to learn Tango – a clearly difficult challenge – but so fascinating – summary here.
March carried on the Tango journey, and included a trip to Seville – here – which turned out to be the first of so many visits to such a wonderful place.
As in general my posts have been a little too serious I have selected a lighter image that I do love, one of my favourites for December 2012. I think the cartoon like smile and the joyful juxtaposition of the street sign and the event is one of those delightful moments that as a photographer you just get given once in a while. How much fun it is when it happens!
2014 has really been a year dominated so far by an increasing love of dancing Tango and growing Claromentis.
I have toyed with the ideas of getting fitter, learning Spanish and continuing to write Third Angel – my first novel.
In the late summer of 2014 I have decided to sell up and move as I need a more modern lifestyle. I will miss bike riding, country pubs and the beauty of Sussex countryside but I so need to follow this journey and right now it is all about urban life, and what European travel has to offer me.
So I ended up renting for a while in Hove – and just love the place! The Tango community is small but fun, and Its such a pleasure to be around so many independent shops, bars and restaurants.